Reform the role of knowlegde work

Focus on what matters the most on a natural pace.

Slow Productivity is the latest delivery by Computer science professor and deep life thinker Cal Newport. He is the writer of one of my favorite books ‘Deep Work’ and focuses on the cutting edge of knowledge work and digital life.

Slow Productivity, Slow Media or Slow Coffee: Focus on what matters the most on a natural pace. 

The book starts with 3 key principles to embody Slow Productivity: Do fewer things, Work at a natural pace and Obsess over quality. Each of these principles are supported by, so called, propositions and real-life case studies.

To start with the problem; the measurement of productivity in knowledge work. The term Knowledge work was introduced by Peter Drucker in 1967. It’s a variety of work with always a different approach and it defers in a “complicated and constantly shifting workload” to other forms of work. Thereby a knowledge worker cannot be checked in detail.

Nowadays the visible activity during the day is used as a proxy to productivity. Mostly busyness: “doing lots of stuff in a visible manner.” What Newport called pseudo-productivity. Rather than the actual output.

Knowledge workers struggle with the amount of tasks, meetings and projects and are often overwhelmed in a slipstream of emails and calls in noisy offices. Many knowledge workers had already pushed tasks to the max of their threshold. The result is a decline of output and creativity.

The main goal of the slow productivity idea is reorient (knowledge) work so the work has a source of meaning instead of overwhelm. While it still has the ability to produce a valuable output.

Now we will dive deeper in the principles as proposed in the book.

Do fewer things could best described as: don’t stack tasks and reduce obligations. Finish a task before starting the next one. Also obligate to a couple of projects that matter the most to you or your business.

Work at a natural pace is to vary a high intensity period of work with a period of more relaxed way of working. Work in phases with seasonality. As Newport says:
“avoid working at a constant state of anxious high energy, with little change, throughout the entire year.”

As started from the Industrial Revolution, life and especially work had transformed into day-continuous, monotonous work with little variation.
We have to bring back the season changes and rituals. One of the things to accomplish this is to switch from working environment. Then add a small ritual for every specific space.

“Effective space for your work is to match elements of your physical surroundings to what it is that you’re trying to accomplish.” – Cal Newport

Adventure work: A podcast about this specific topic
Deep Life Podcast (Spotify)

The last proposition that support slow productivity is Obsess over quality. Don’t focus on activity but on quality. You have to slowdown to produce of what actually matters. Give it some time and the slowness rewards. This key idea is not about perfection, but about giving the work the attention it’s actually needs.

Knowlegde workers has the flexibility to reorientate their way of working. You have more control over your work than you think.